

💜 I PURPLE YOU 💜 #wewalktogetherforever We are Bulletproof : the Eternal (English) in  MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 We had nothing but dreams Open our eyes to a foggy morning Dance and sing all night Endless sheets of music Ay we shout without fear “Bring it all on” Our first fight against the world Don’t wanna die But so much pain Too much cryin’ So worn out is the blade Oh I We were only seven I But we have you all now After seven winters and springs Holding each other’s hands Oh I Yeah we got to heaven Cast stones at us We have no fear anymore We are we are together bulletproof (Yeah we have you have you) Even if winter returns Even if someone stops me, I keep walking We are we are forever bulletproof (Yeah we got to heaven) We are bullet bullet bulletproof They all said no but we made it through Bad memories, countless trials too We stopped them all without fear, bulletproof                   Keep thinking Is this still a dream? Did the long winter Really give way to spring? Our once ridic


WHAT YOUR BIRTH MONTH ZODIAC REVEALS ABOUT YOU: While you have probably heard that zodiac signs can reveal a lot about a person’s personality and characteristics,  did you know that the  month  you were born can also tell many things about you? Your birth month can offer insight into your overall demeanor. You can also discover how other people see you and understand more deeply your feelings toward life in general.  READ ON TO SEE WHAT YOUR BIRTH MONTH ZODIAC REVEALS ABOUT YOU: JANUARY🍁 People born in January have a strong work ethic, and will not hesitate to voice their opinions. They can portray a headstrong attitude. In other words, they don’t take well to people telling them what to do. They make good leaders because of their persistence and drive to succeed, but listening to others is not a strong point.  If you were born in January, you have a natural ability to teach other people. What is more, others tend to listen to you with a willingness to learn. F


     PERFECT BOILED EGGS Boiling eggs may sound like the simplest thing you could possibly cook, but if you’ve ever boiled an egg you’ve probably run into problems at one time or another. The challenges with boiling an egg generally fall into two categories: cooking the egg and peeling the egg. Despite following a set of directions precisely you might have found your eggs under/overcooked, or perhaps when you tried to peel the egg it ended up looking like the surface of the moon. The good news is that both of these problems are easily resolved with a little understanding of the science of eggs. Read on and you’ll be boiling perfect oval eggs whether you prefer them hard-boiled or soft in the center. ◾ HOW MANY MINUTES FOR HARDBOILED EGGS? HOW MANY MINUTES FOR SOFT-BOILED EGGS? With all that in mind, here are the cooking times for various types of boiled eggs. The times start after the water has come to a boil and you’ve turned off the heat. 2 minutes  – The whit


THE JOURNEY OF MR.POTATO The everyday potato has anything but an everyday past, notching up thousands of miles – and dozens of names – in a voyage that has taken it around the world. Starting out in Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia, where potatoes have been cultivated for thousands of years, these versatile tubers gradually spread across South America and became the staple crop of the Incan Empire, where they were known as  papas . But, despite being a staple of modern meals, they were met with suspicion when they first arrived in Europe in the 16 th century. Some people even called them “Devil’s Apples” because they were  strange-looking, grew underground (no part of the potato growing above ground was edible) and belonged to the same family as the deadly nightshade. Gradually however, their usefulness overcame people’s reservations and potato crops were slowly adopted by farmers all over Europe, eventually spreading all over the world, reaching India, Southeast Asia and