While you have probably heard that zodiac signs can reveal a lot about a person’s personality and characteristics, did you know that the month you were born can also tell many things about you?

Your birth month can offer insight into your overall demeanor. You can also discover how other people see you and understand more deeply your feelings toward life in general. 



People born in January have a strong work ethic, and will not hesitate to voice their opinions. They can portray a headstrong attitude. In other words, they don’t take well to people telling them what to do. They make good leaders because of their persistence and drive to succeed, but listening to others is not a strong point. If you were born in January, you have a natural ability to teach other people. What is more, others tend to listen to you with a willingness to learn.


If you were born in February, you probably have a strong creative streak. Likely, you enjoy working on new projects. You love getting into intellectual discussions, and avoid conversation with others who seem shallow. You have probably been called a free spirit more than once or twice. Living within the confines of society’s rigid rules is not your favorite choice. You love travel.Adventure and exploration excite you and make you feel alive. You operate best in the company of other dreamers. February-born free-spirits make loyal, honest friends and partners.


People born in March tend toward creativity and imagination, but they can also be introspective and quiet. They live inside their own heads a lot, creating masterpieces within their minds. They turn to the arts for expressing themselves, and enjoy quiet time alone. If you were born in March, you have a kind, gentle demeanor toward others, yet tend to hide many aspects of yourself from them. You crave peaceful, serene environments, and avoid noisy, crowded places when you can.


Those born in April crave attention and love every second they can spend in the spotlight. They don’t take orders well, instead preferring to do things their way and lead others. April-born individuals seek new adventures and seek out ways to experience an adrenaline rush. They act first and think later, living life day to day, seeing where it takes them. Although sometimes known to be loud and obnoxious, they speak their minds and have no problem telling other people how they feel


People born in the month of May tend to be fickle, wanting one thing today, and something totally different tomorrow. They express themselves well, and love talking to people from all walks of life. They tend to have an active social life and don’t like to spend a lot of time alone. If you were born in May, you probably love stimulating, intelligent conversations, yet need an equal amount of fun and excitement. You may get bored easily, and seek for new ways to entertain yourself.


If you were born in June, you are sensitive and caring toward other people and their feelings. You can be shy and soft-spoken, but people admire that about you. A creative spirit helps you think far into the future about what you can create. You spend time considering how you can bring your ideas into the world. Though you don’t always express your feeling, you have a whole world living inside you, and you hope to figure out how to realize your many dreams.


People born in July have many of the same traits as those born in June, except they are often more spontaneous and extroverted. They live for adventures, and love to have a good time. Outwardly, they appear confident and cheerful, but inside, they harbor a lot of dark secrets. If you were born in July, you might tend to hide your pain from others. You have lots of energy, and people love to hang out with you because of this.


Those born in August are natural leaders, not afraid to stand on their own with their opinions. They can be bossy and opinionated, but they have big hearts. If you were born in August, you might tend to overthink matters, and find difficulty considering other approaches. People born in August do well in careers that involve critical thinking and analysis, because they see life in a logical manner.They find it challenging to express their emotions, so understanding the deeper side of them can seem difficult at times.


People born in September have high expectations of others, and can tend to get disappointed easily. They have a stubborn streak, and hold grudges if you get on their bad side. If you were born in September, you are probably a perfectionist, holding yourself and others to high ideals. You are likely a sensual, creative, and kind, always wanting to help others when you can.


People born in October crave balance and stability in everything they do, and have a positive outlook on life. They don’t like confrontation, and avoid it whenever possible. If born in October, you likely have an active social life and love your friends to death. You’re charming and talkative. Though you love being around people, you’re fiercely independent as well.


People born in November are very secretive, and often hide their true feelings from others. They don’t like others telling them what to do, and tend to carve their own path in life. November-born people don’t have too many fears, and will jump into a situation headfirst, no matter the consequences. They don’t let anything in life stop them, and have a headstrong, passionate approach to life.


December babies are very adventurous, generous people. They can let their pride get in the way sometimes, and tend to have a short fuse with people. They like to be on-the-go, and can’t stand to sit still too long. If you were born in December, you might be feisty and like entertaining people. Your free-spirited attitude perfectly balances your more conservative side.

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